"some bitch put it on a fuckin blog i cant escape that even if i wanted too" - Harlee Cavalier (aka Harlee Fallen) talking about her self admission to being a guy in RL.
[2011/07/05 18:37] Harlee Fallen: i’m a boy in rl
[2011/07/05 18:37] Harlee Fallen: i’m a boy in rl
Saturday, April 30, 2011
It's on like Donkey Kong...again!
I went to a dance club last night in a gorilla suit to try out my new dance moves. Wow, I was a big hit...well, except for the guy standing in the white shirt..he didn't like me for some reason. So it was on... and guess what? You got served!
In other news there were 10 Bigfoot sightings also reported in that sim.
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Friday, April 29, 2011
I'm all shook up!
Damn I look good in this light!
Made with the latest space age technology its so light you can dance with it on!
I ended up dancing with this sweet girl, Claudia, as we slow dance under the soft light of my new face light.
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Thursday, April 28, 2011
I need a break!
I read last week Kim Kardashian was taking some time off, first in many years. What? Your entire life is a freakin' vacation. I guess being famous for doing nothing is hard work. I could insert a joke here about someone, but I'll pass.
Yes, the last 48 hours I had a complete break from everything SL porn. It was great! Made some new friends.. including a very sexy female who gave me a ton of awesome free stuff which I plan on taking some photos and adding them to my flickr.
Overall I guess you can say I was a bad girl... kept my panties on for the most part, but didn't get freaky. There was one guy who had a t-shirt about making a female call out his name. So I asked for references.. to see if it was true. He couldn't provide any. So I got him to get naked... and he had a badly discolored penis. Kind of sad I guess his penis must of got the Michael Jackson disease. Though you wont be putting no diseased penis in my poonani
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
So I'm on Netflix webpage
Looking for stuff to add to my queue... reading reviews and comments left by viewers. Then I notice something strange... The directors of these movies don't feel the need to reply to every single comment from every person separately. Hmmm... so I checked out Steven Spielberg movies.. nope. Quentin Taratino, Kevin Smith, Martin Scorsese, David Fincher, Ridley Scott.. none of them did. Hell not even Mel Gibson!
I mean when you have 22 comments and 11 of them are from yourself.. that's about as lame as posting a comment on a blog and then posting an anonymous post supporting the previous comment. LAME I guess anything to boost to make it seem you done something special.
I also heard Oliver Stone watched this movie and was impressed by it. Word has it around Hollywood, he is going to take the character of Freddy Kruger from a Nightmare on Elm Street and put him in a Fast on Furious movie and call it Fast and Furious on a Nightmare on Elm Street.
Let's hope Freddy can walk around on planet Mars like "Laura Croft" can.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011
Riddle me this...
Why does someone who has attempted to post 6 times, with two accounts and once anonymous to this blog.. not to mentioned they posted seven comments on my youtube page using two accounts (over a three day span).. keep crying I am stalking them?
Answer: When you sit at the computer 14 hours a day, everyday with no life other than second life... you have a LOT of time on your hands.
Answer: When you sit at the computer 14 hours a day, everyday with no life other than second life... you have a LOT of time on your hands.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Breaking news: Time travel is possible
I found something interesting today as I was re-installing software on my computer after I did a clean re-install.
Her decision to model her SL life after the biggest name in RL porn came from a very unusual place "I was watching Oprah and Jenna Jameson was talking about her book. I was literally watching TV with my laptop in my lap, scrolling through last names as she was talking....and Jameson came up. I thought it would be funny to have a pornstar name
First off, if I recall before they started the Resident last name thing, you had to enter a first name first, before getting a list of last names. (this could of changed but...)
Jenna Jameson appeared on Oprah in Nov of 2009, Emma's second life account was created on 10/27/2007. Does she have some type of time machine to go two years into the future watch the interview and come back to the year 2007 to make an account?
well it worked for a while at least....like the views on her movies which defy logic and actually traffic of Naughty Machinima and Naughty Bitch, this sort of defies the laws of physics.Something leads me to believe this person is not what they claim or who they claim.
I have my opinion on a few things.., but I'm not about to go Charlie Sheen here. Once again, I will say this person does do good her and there... but it appears there are skeletons in their closet.
I will just say there is more than meets the eye.
This post has been edited to add the following... it's too good not to post.
Like I have said in the past Scooby likes to post annoymous on blogs hiding his name making comments. He posted on Aurora's blog and she said it was him and he continued to deny it. I'm pretty sure he posted on his own blog anonymous and replied to his own post lol. So Scooby posted on my blog. Since he spammed it several months back one day all his stuff goes in the Spam folder.
Click to enlarge...
To sum up the posts he is proud to have been voted the biggest Meltdown of the year! Then claims there is no proof he rated my movies a 1. When that's another lie, because after he rated one of my movies with his main account then with two of his fake accounts. I posted the names of the two additional accounts in the comments section of my movie and Muze deleted the accounts LOL. Oh course he was dumb enough to log into them back to back to back to make it easy to prove they were him. He then starts crying about "his Project X movie" lol. I had a post back on March 11th titled Project X. (since this guy cant compete he just tries to mimic me) So he claims I pay people now to spy of him ROFLMAO. Like your life is that exciting LOL. He claims I stole his Karate Kid movie idea and put it in my Second Life Park video. LOL. I made that video back on March 10th. I guess I used Emma's time machine for that.
Second post is an anonymous person siding with Scooby LOL. If you notice the misuse of the word wonder and they use wander in both posts LOL. Also the word hypocrite pops up. Scooby's favorite word since I taught him it several months ago. Notice it's also in the spam folder LOL.
Wow you have to be pretty pathetic to respond anonymously siding with yourself. The numbers of ways this PUTZ keeps making a fool of himself does not cease to amaze me. Someday I'm going to tell my grandchildren I met the biggest dumbass on the planet earth.
A new poll is up who would win a spelling bee, Sling Blade, Forrest Gump or Scooby Mode.
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Monday, April 18, 2011
Baby needs a diaper change
The last month or so I have had a few people contact me in Second life telling me they like my movies. They also said they couldn't understand why they were rated as low as 3's.
Well, I went on Naughty Machinima and in the comments area of my movies I left a reason for this. That my movies were 5 star rated at one time, but someone went and created a bunch of fake accounts rating them a 1.
Which is 100% the truth. Look at the number of ratings of some of my movies.. I don't kiss enough ass and hang out in pornstars chat begging people to watch it to get that many any other way.
So guess what? Scooby Mode went crying to Muze about what I put in the comments section of my own movie. the TRUTH. lol
Wow, really.. what a little baby. Can someone change him please I think he went poopie.
Speaking of which Scooby Mode ran away with the Meltdown of the year contest. Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson didn't stand a chance.
In honor or his victory and him just being a overall jackass.. I give you this video. I made this about 3 week ago one day. I was planning on making a 22 minute movie with voice over and send it to Comedy central.. but I have other plans and wasn't my time on this putz in the end is not worth it.
This here was going to be the start of the next scene.. Scooby's room with his super computer. Karate Kid poster and his Situation shirtless poster.
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Friday, April 15, 2011
My life at the trailer park
Me sitting with my dogs on our porch with a couple of rifles just in case someone wants to get funny.
Cooking a snack Squirrel on a stick
Doing Laundry
Fixing a BBQ
Afterward I went to see how the rich people live at some fancy trailer park and came across this couple.
[17:11] Finlay MacFanatic: And how are you today?
[17:11] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Ok (Ok)
[17:12] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): this trailer is much nicer than mine
[17:12] Finlay MacFanatic: Really? Which one is yours?
[17:13] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Its on another sim
[17:13] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I reckon you heard of it
[17:13] Finlay MacFanatic: what is it?
[17:16] Finlay MacFanatic accepted your inventory offer.
[17:16] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): thats a picture of me at my trailer
[17:16] Finlay MacFanatic: your right.. my trailer is better
[17:16] Finlay MacFanatic smirks
[17:17] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I reckon you have a good job to pay for this amazing trailer
[17:17] Finlay MacFanatic: So what brings you to our little corner of the formerly-rolling neighborhood?
[17:18] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): trying to see how the rich folk live
[17:18] Finlay MacFanatic: I'm a fashion designer
[17:19] Finlay MacFanatic: about the same.. with prettier toys...
[17:19] Finlay MacFanatic smiles
[17:19] Finlay MacFanatic: Want to look around inside?
[17:19] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): who is that women she your women or your sister or both?
[17:20] Finlay MacFanatic: This is my wife.. Fenella
[17:20] Finlay MacFanatic: No realation off of paper...
[17:20] Finlay MacFanatic chuckles
[17:21] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): nothing wrong with gettin friendly with family is there
[17:21] Finlay MacFanatic: So what do you do to make your way?
[17:22] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I help my uncle Jesse and my cousins out with their buisness
[17:23] Finlay MacFanatic: Your cousins Bo and Luke?
[17:23] Finlay MacFanatic laughs
[17:23] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): sometime ma and pa when they need help
[17:23] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): who?
[17:23] Finlay MacFanatic: well.. nothing like a close family
[17:24] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): so what kind of fashions do you design newbie fashion?
[17:25] Finlay MacFanatic: only if they are rich newbies....
[17:25] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I read on a blog newbie fashions are coming back and retro is in. Bling is in.
[17:26] Finlay MacFanatic: Really? I must have missed that one
[17:26] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I read it on a fashion blog. It's really hot right now
[17:27] Fenella MacFanatic: that would explain it
[17:27] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): if you want to keep this fancy trailer you better come up with some deisgns
[17:28] Finlay MacFanatic: Hmm.. I'm thinking of clothes right now in fact...
[17:28] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Im suprised your wife aint barefoot and pregnant thats what Pa says. Women worth is cleaning the trailer and cooking squirrel
[17:30] Finlay MacFanatic: No squirrel tonight.. Hmm.. What would Pa say about you walking about in boots?
[17:30] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Boy Ma would love a trailer like this. The one we have needs a fixin every week
[17:31] Finlay MacFanatic: Oh.. it barely fits Fenella and I.. It's tiny inside
[17:32] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): well i guess once you start making your new designs you can get a bigger tailer. Remember bling in is.
[17:33] Finlay MacFanatic: I'll try to keep that in mind.. but when we do get that bigger trailer, I'll be sure to leave the furniture out on the porch here. If you see something you like you can give it to Ma and Pa
[17:34] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Why thank you kindly. Ma would love that second hand furniture from some rich folk.
[17:34] Finlay MacFanatic: you never did say what 'business' your uncle Jesse was in?
[17:34] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): He makes movies of the dirty kind
[17:35] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Ma and Pa dont agree, but it keeps our trailer on the lot
[17:36] Finlay MacFanatic: Really? We were watching a tape a couple of nights ago, a few trailers down. Can't get cable here... It's like the stoneage.
[17:36] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Cable? I reckon rich folk like you would have it. How about one of them blueray machines
[17:37] Finlay MacFanatic: Well.. it was the blueray or the handcraved chair... I went for the chair
[17:38] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I see good choice I reckon. Nice chair
[17:39] Finlay MacFanatic: It is comfy...
[17:39] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): is there others who live her too
[17:39] Finlay MacFanatic: There are some.. hardly ever around though.. they keep to themselves mostly.
[17:40] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Does Emanuelle Jameson live here?
[17:41] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): She is a big star I heard I would think someone like that would live in a fancy place like this
[17:41] Finlay MacFanatic: Hmm.. I am not sure.. we moved in last week. They were redoing the floors of our loft
[17:43] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I see so you have a nice new trailer and a house? You must be as rich as Justin Bieber
[17:43] Finlay MacFanatic: Oh.. we have a modest life.. nothing toooo fancy
[17:44] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Was it a shotgun wedding?
[17:45] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Well I better get going. I have to get back and feed my dogs before they get in Ma's possum pie again
Then I started to live it up like the rich folk. I sat in their fancy lounge chairs
Jimmed the lock and got in this trailer to take a nice bath like these fancy pants rich folk.
Then as I sat and thought to myself in one of these fancy Wal-mart chairs... One day I'm going to have a trailer all by myself.
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The Princess Newbie Fashion Report
I hit the newbie stores to find out what's hot this spring in newbie fashion. Here is what happened.
This guy right here was at freebie galaxy and was about the only one who would rez. I asked him what's in this season and he said Necko was in and everything else is out this season.Then I ran into this naked women. She obviously didn't care for this year's newbie fashion styles as she was naked and protesting. She even refused to talk about it.
Then I TPed to my third store and a vampire wanted me to join their group.
[11:03] Rafe Daxeline: hi
[11:03] Rafe Daxeline: would u like to be a vampire?
[11:05] Rayven Baily: What are the benefits of being a vampire
[11:05] Rafe Daxeline: its fun
[11:05] Rafe Daxeline: u get to join a whole community
[11:05] Rayven Baily: can I fly
[11:06] Rafe Daxeline: yes but just like u can now lol
[11:06] Rayven Baily: do i get super strength
[11:06] Rafe Daxeline: how old are u? above 18?
[11:06] Rayven Baily: do i have to be 18
[11:06] Rafe Daxeline: u should be
[11:07] Rayven Baily: do i get a coffin to sleep in
[11:08] Rafe Daxeline: um if u want to buy one
[11:08] Rafe Daxeline: i think your to young hon
[11:08] Rafe Daxeline: srry
[11:08] Rayven Baily: No please I want to be a vampire
[11:09] Rafe Daxeline: im srry to young hon
[11:10] Rayven Baily: please I really want to be a lame vampire
[11:19] Rayven Baily: so when do i get to go to the vampire mansion
[11:19] Rafe Daxeline: srry hon your to young
[11:20] Rayven Baily: how many years old in vampire years must i be
[11:23] Rayven Baily: it can it just be our secret I wont tell anyone.
[11:26] Rayven Baily: so when are we leaving for the vampire castle
So after I got rid of that annoying vampire I continued with my Fashion Report.
I came across this interesting thing. He seemed to be on the cutting edge of Newbie fashion this year.
Then this guy shows up. So I inform him what he was wearing was so 2010 and he needs to get some new threads.
I notice this girl was tearing it up on this table. So I went over to find out what people are wearing this spring
[11:19] Rayven Baily: wow you have some moves[11:20] daisylover: lol im new and trying to change my clothes
[11:20] Rayven Baily: oh yea why?
[11:21] daisylover: idk. just cuz. :)
[11:21] Rayven Baily: Oh I was going to ask you how fashion Im doing a article and wanted your opinion
[11:22] daisylover: ok shoot
[11:22] Rayven Baily: what's in this spring? Is bling it or out
[11:23] daisylover: bling is always in
[11:23] Rayven Baily: Great what else is in this spring?
[11:24] daisylover: not really sure. lol
[11:25] Rayven Baily: Where can I get some bling I want to be in style
[11:26] daisylover: idk. im new
This guy was covered in bling
[11:27] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): hello
[11:27] MaximPetrinkov's Google Translator: hello
[11:27] Max (maximpetrinkov): Good, how r u ?
[11:28] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): wow max you have a great newbie style
[11:28] Max (maximpetrinkov): ty (Company)
[11:28] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I heard bling is in this year is that true max?
[11:29] Max (maximpetrinkov): Bling is always in! loool
[11:29] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I need to get some then
[11:30] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): You know where I can get some bling shoes and some bling teeth
[11:30] Max (maximpetrinkov): Idk, have you looked here?
[11:31] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): No, first time here. I usually dont wear newbie clothes but I heard all of second life is going retro
He must of got wind there was another freebie sale somewhere because he TPed out.
Then I came across this women. She had to be a model or a cross dresser as she was like 9 feet tall.
[11:33] Rayven Baily: hey stop
[11:33] abxazzett: wats up
[11:34] Rayven Baily: hi Im doing a sl fashion article I wanted your feedback
[11:34] Rayven Baily: I heard bling is in is that true it seems you have a lot of it
[11:35] abxazzett: ah ok
[11:36] Rayven Baily: how is the weather up there?
[11:36] abxazzett: fine today was sunny day
[11:36] abxazzett: :)
[11:37] Rayven Baily: so i heard newbie clothes are making a comeback in second life. The retro look is in. Do you agree or disagree with this statement
[11:38] abxazzett: just agree)
[11:38] Rayven Baily: Great. Where can I get some great bling like that?
[11:40] abxazzett: i dont understand wats bling but i know some shops where u can buy freebie clothes do u mean that?
So for this year Bling is back in (again) what else is new other than that I couldn't tell you.
I'll check again to find out what these newbies will be wearing to the beach in the coming weeks.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011
Went exploring today while I was watching the Office season 3 and found some cool sims to take some photos at. What better way to end the day then to have some ice cream. So I'm enjoying my ice cream which has brownie pieces in it.. I go to bite into a piece it's not a brownie but some metal. I need a lawyer... my teeth hurt now.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Curiosity didn't kill this cat
I was a little curious about some things so I sort of did some web surfacing. As I have said in the past, when I got into SL porn I always wondered how some of these movies got the views that they did. It wasn't until after my third movie, Sinderella, it actually hit me people might be fudging the numbers.
Yes, call me slow or whatever... but the thought never entered my mind prior to that. I guess I never saw what you got out of it. No money, not more exposure over the entire internet. Just a fake sense it makes your movie look like it's something to watch to a small audience you comes across Naughty Machinima or Naughty Bitch Machinima.
So some people say SL Porn used to be great. Let's jump in a time machine and look to she how great it was.
Let's look at the movie I want Candi by Emmanuelle Jameson. This had to be during the peak to the golden days of SL Porn. (just prior to my arrival)
Taking information straight off her own web site. This movie had 2,000 views in one day. 5,000 views in one week! Yes, I said 5,000 views in one week. LOL It ended up reaching 10,000 in around two months.
The movie is ok, nice song and concept... but nothing special. Hell, the poses balls on a few of the sexual positions could of been adjusted. Number just don't add up, then again in ***The Pornstars*** group that didn't matter then.
So La Cagna Ricca is released after a huge build up. Naughty machinima is down, but it hits 1,0000 views on Naughty Bitch in 10 days. The reasoning? Madame Aprille's Shepard's enormous popularity according to Emma.
Enormous Popularity? Aprille Shepard has a movie on Naughty Machinima which is rated 2 stars with 7 votes cast. I wouldn't exactly call that they second coming of Bieber Fever.
Crunching the numbers
Naughty Machinima - 13,844 views combined (180 days)
Naughty bitch - (currently) 4775 views with the numbers re-set.
18,419 views over 180 days = So this movie is averaging currently 102 views a day and that not counting the 57+ days it acquired views on Naughty Bitch prior to the views re-set.
So it lost 57+ days of views.
So add 100 views over 57 days you have this movie at 24,000+ views.
The movie could very well be averaging 160+ views a day if you account for the missing views it lost on Naughty Bitch,
24,000 views I bet you couldn't find a 1/4 of the amount of that number in people who could tell you who Emmanuelle/Jennnna Jameson was.
Seriously these are some gaudy and unbelievable numbers when you have them in front of you. Like the Pornstars group has 1,000 members. Technically it might, but how many haven't even logged in Second life in 2011 yet? How many are alts. See the slight of hand? It might have 1,000 people in the group but nothing close to 1,000 active members, but when you read something like that you sort of believe it.. sort of like I did when I first joined the Porrnstars group.
Then again when you are claiming to be SL Biggest Porn star you have to wonder how much is that smoke and mirrors? Seems like a lot.
I mean to make such a claim... is a little vain, but numbers like these make it seem like everyone in Second life knows who you are... which believe me is NOT true.
I'm not trying to discredit what she has done. Gratz on your relief for japan. but the extent you have gone to sell yourself... takes away from your work.
I didn't make these numbers up (well the projections are best guesses) these are all numbers which are facts. If you go to a book store there are two areas. Fiction and Non-Fiction. They are labeled accordingly so you don't confuse one for the other. Maybe that's what Naughty Machinima needs is a section like that.
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Sunday, April 10, 2011
"The Knockout" World wide Tour
In the coming days I will be exploring the vast world of Second life and I might be bringing my "Knockout Tour" to a sim near you. If you want an autograph please bring a pen. Does it look like this outfit has room to carry a pen? I'm only bringing the bare essentials with me which is what I'm wearing. If I come across any self centered, egotistical, view boosting, disability faking, no money making, momma's boys.. I will have to show them why this is called the Knockout tour!
Also don't forget to vote for the Meltdown of the year poll!
***UPDATE*** ***UPDATE*** ****UPDATE****
OMG! I just got the most amazing idea for a music video!! Yes, it will be done! An it will be the BOMB!
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Friday, April 8, 2011
Vincit Omnia Veritas
As I said weeks ago... you honestly don't stand a chance against me. You have everything to lose and I have nothing. NOTHING to lose.
Your ego craves attention.. you need it stroked daily. I have had people tell me you have been going into Pornstars chat looking for sympathy and usually get it from the new people of the group who would do anything to get in a movie... even one as bad as yours.
The Pornstars group is everything to you. You cant survive without it... which is why you made a HUGE scene at the awards show and were back in it less than a day later LOL. You need it for your daily ego stroki\ng.
So you continue with your little Pornstars chat whining about me and posting videos on your blog you are going to lose the one thing you treasure in your worthless life.
Keep telling lies.. keep making videos. Keep acting like a fool. I will laugh when you get booted.
I have a life outside of second life, unlike you.. I have friends outside of second life. I have a second life. You have only second life. Second life to me is a time killer for you it's a 16 hour chat room.
Spread your lies.. tell all the new people dying to get in a movie how horrible I am. How I am the devil... I have a small group of people I associate with and I can honestly say I have never talked behind any of their backs. Stabbed them in the back, done nothing to have them question my loyalty. Yet you have sent me conversations you had with Krystall, Aurora.. hell and bad mouthed Emma after the awards show. Now you are kissing her ass. BTW how do all those asses taste?
I never wanted to be the most popular. I never tried to be everyone's friend. Just friends to REAL people. I don't need my ego stroked. I don't want people kissing my ass....like you.
Once again, ratings, comments and views of my movies are not the end of the world. I don't stay up until 8 am like you bumping my movie and pleading for people to watch it.
Back when you were crying about me not voicing and I said why I stopped.. you laughed about it. Mocked me.. claimed I was using it as an excuse.
What your dumb ass don't know is people have been fired over content on their blogs, myspace, facebook pages because they use their real identities. Don't believe me do a search you idiot. But I guess someone who has no job (or ever has one) only tries to fake a disability wouldn't have anything to worry about. Unlike you I like having a job and socializing with REAL human beings who you can see. I have been outside as recent as today. How about you?
Secondly, I mentioned using voice/webcam can be used against you. Guess what. Bingo! I have your videos downloaded on my computer. Which you already know about and quickly removed from your blog. Not funny now, huh? It was all a joke before... Gotcha, bitch!
I mean this is not even a fair fight. You give me stuff to use against you over and over. It's almost like two against one.. you are helping me kick your own ass!
With that said I have a poll on my blog the biggest Meltdown of the year. Mel Gibson for his cell phone domestic violence threats against he wife. Charlie Sheen for his crazy comments and Scooby for his 10 year old temper tandrum at the Awards show.
So far Scooby is running away with it!
Your ego craves attention.. you need it stroked daily. I have had people tell me you have been going into Pornstars chat looking for sympathy and usually get it from the new people of the group who would do anything to get in a movie... even one as bad as yours.
The Pornstars group is everything to you. You cant survive without it... which is why you made a HUGE scene at the awards show and were back in it less than a day later LOL. You need it for your daily ego stroki\ng.
So you continue with your little Pornstars chat whining about me and posting videos on your blog you are going to lose the one thing you treasure in your worthless life.
Keep telling lies.. keep making videos. Keep acting like a fool. I will laugh when you get booted.
I have a life outside of second life, unlike you.. I have friends outside of second life. I have a second life. You have only second life. Second life to me is a time killer for you it's a 16 hour chat room.
Spread your lies.. tell all the new people dying to get in a movie how horrible I am. How I am the devil... I have a small group of people I associate with and I can honestly say I have never talked behind any of their backs. Stabbed them in the back, done nothing to have them question my loyalty. Yet you have sent me conversations you had with Krystall, Aurora.. hell and bad mouthed Emma after the awards show. Now you are kissing her ass. BTW how do all those asses taste?
I never wanted to be the most popular. I never tried to be everyone's friend. Just friends to REAL people. I don't need my ego stroked. I don't want people kissing my ass....like you.
Once again, ratings, comments and views of my movies are not the end of the world. I don't stay up until 8 am like you bumping my movie and pleading for people to watch it.
Back when you were crying about me not voicing and I said why I stopped.. you laughed about it. Mocked me.. claimed I was using it as an excuse.
What your dumb ass don't know is people have been fired over content on their blogs, myspace, facebook pages because they use their real identities. Don't believe me do a search you idiot. But I guess someone who has no job (or ever has one) only tries to fake a disability wouldn't have anything to worry about. Unlike you I like having a job and socializing with REAL human beings who you can see. I have been outside as recent as today. How about you?
Secondly, I mentioned using voice/webcam can be used against you. Guess what. Bingo! I have your videos downloaded on my computer. Which you already know about and quickly removed from your blog. Not funny now, huh? It was all a joke before... Gotcha, bitch!
I mean this is not even a fair fight. You give me stuff to use against you over and over. It's almost like two against one.. you are helping me kick your own ass!
With that said I have a poll on my blog the biggest Meltdown of the year. Mel Gibson for his cell phone domestic violence threats against he wife. Charlie Sheen for his crazy comments and Scooby for his 10 year old temper tandrum at the Awards show.
So far Scooby is running away with it!
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Thursday, April 7, 2011
Veni, vidi, vici
The last few weeks I have had a few people contact me in world that I have never spoken two. They recently have got into SL porn and after chatting with them they came away with a different opinion of me then they started. It appears there sort of is a smear campaign going on. Someone going around with a bunch of gossip which is filled with lies they made up.
So Scooby Mode has made a video whining about me. The voice and what they are talking about on screen don't even match LOL - another great edit by Scooby. So I watched this video and laughed at what he was claiming. Then video ended and I stepped out for a bit (I ran up to the store to pick up a few things) I returned and I thought someone was in my house. As it turns out the video was over but the audio wasn't. This putz went on and on for I don't know how long crying about me. LOL.
About three weeks ago Scooby wrote a bunch of lies on his blog andI responded with the following post of mine: first-round-knockout. There is absolutely no facts backing is allegations, but as you can see I provide source and links proving he was full of shit. What happened? He took his post down as I made him look like a fools. (which ain't hard)
Scooby claims he always tells the truth. Well, if you lie all the time sometimes where the lies start and the truth ends all blurs together.
Lie #1 - In his little video he says I sent him 50 messages on NM. What he fails to say is for everyone one I sent he sent 3.

Lie #2 - He rates my movie a 1 dropping it from 5 stars to 4. I then proceed to return the favor to his latest laggy piece of shit and write him telling if you keep rating my movies a 1 and I will return the favor. He claims it wasn't him and tells me to check his playlist. (really hard to delete a movie from your playlist) Yet, the dumbass that he is let's it slip he knows that my video was a slide show video. How did he know this if he didnt watch my video? Can someone be this dumb? Have you met Scooby?
Lie #3 - Admits to faking a disability to get a monthly check so he can sit home on his ass on SL all day.
Scooby says" I drawed a disability check if you really want to know, that isnt something i talk about, and no im not disabled that is why they took it away"
Lie #4 - After throwing a tandrum and quitting the pornstars group he puts on his blog that Serenity Juneberry cheated not once, but twice and with my help on the online poll. Lie #5 - Claims I stabbed Serenity Juneberry in the back by reporting her video to Blip.TV. When a month earlier I pointed out to her that her video was showing up in the Blip.tv search
Lie - #6 - Claims I give everyone on Naughty Machinima a 1 star rating. LOL. Is this the best you could come up with? This is your great plan to turn everyone against me? LOL Seriously, this is something a 12 year old would think is a great plan. Then to mention Pixie Rain by name claiming I rated her movies a 1.
LOL - I recently blogged her movie Showdown and I think I was the first to blog her videos way back in Oct. Back then when I came across her videos I metioned them to Serenity Juneberry, Alyssa Drechler and Emeelee Ember. A few of her movies are in my favorites on NM.
Lie # 7 - I already admitted the avatar Brady Neiro is one I was borrowing to film movies. Yes, the avatar is still in the Pornstars group and I will remove it soon. Scooby claims I use it to stalker people every day in the Pornstars group. Hmmm... there is two things wrong with your lie. First off, it says the last time someone logged into that account in the group. Secondly, through the group you could see when someone is on the account. I haven't used the avatar since I filmed "Happy Hour" but I sure as hell know nobody is on it everyday "stalking people". LOL
Lie #8 - Claims he has never cheated on his movie ratings, but admits to having four accounts (but it was a lot more than that) Yes, we are supposed to believe his movies are in the top rated because people loved them some much. lol. Please, I know some of my movies are there because of all his fake accounts voting against my movies.
Then again if you are willing to fake a disability, why wouldn't you fake views and ratings for a machinima movie?
Lie #9 - Claimed this Jack guy was in my movie. Which one? Name it? No he was in your movie "The Naked Detective"
Lie #10 - Claims I said I Don't care about rating of views. Nope, I said I don't care about ratings, comments or reviews about my movies.
I don't IM people telling them to watch, comment, rate my movies. I don't tell people to follow my blog. It's all up to them, unlike you who will try anything to get someone to rate or comment on your movie... I just have one question? How do all their asses taste?
Lie #11 - Scooby claims he found the picture in the RL section of my profile on Yahoo and Photobucket
Scooby says "Yeah I am really fat when I have a rl pic on secondlife showing off my body, and have the same pic in 3 different angles lmao!!!!!!!!!! can you say 6pack? I know its hard for you to get things through your head because your slow lol~ look at my rl pic sometime hahha!!!! Hell, next time I will even make a little sign that says my name beside my body, sure I am really fat rayven lo............. everybody in the world is laughing at you now haha for calling me gay and fat. You are the one thats fat using a fake fucking picture i found on yahoo and photobucket lol!
Guess what happened when I asked him to produce these links to these pictures? Oh course he couldn't. Still can't he said he had to find it again LOL. Then to claim you have a six pack? Maybe you drink a six pack sitting on your fat ass all day. Please go ahead and take another RL picture of yourself like you said you could and hold up a sign that says Rayven is a bitch.. prove everyone. Of course you can't do that either lol.
Lie # 12 - Claims he does not boost the views on his videos, but has one that has 16,000+ views now LOL and claims the actress put it on some very popular web site. lol. Yea, if that was the case everyone on youtube, Naughty machinima, Blip.tv would be using it.
Unforgettable movie on NM 3,186 views on Naughty Bitch 3,169 views. They almost have the same amount of views LOL. Even with NaughtyBitch seeing a lot less traffic. Neither of these movies are featured on either site LOL. Sure Scooby, we believe you don't boost your movies. Seriously LOL
Lie #13 Now he is claiming he didn't have the alt detector it was a friend. When a month ago, he claimed he had an alt detector. Funny how that story changes.
He whined about by movie "President Rayven Speaks" about the edit. How basic it was.. and doesn't know how I used the lip-sync. LOL.
Well, genius.. I didnt shoot it through Fraps. It's a snapshot through the Phoenix viewer and I animated the talking through a editor. Something you could NEVER do.
Then he cried about my post about shadows and it not playing a major role in real life movies. Claiming I couldn't use shadows..
Was there a oil spill on the beach while this was being filmed or is this some type of horror video. Attack of the black ooze?
Wow look... my shadow is transparent. Kind of sad that someone has the best computer out of anyone and yet can only provide average results. Money well spent.
Then to show Scooby Mode has ZERO and is a first class asshole. He made the follow comments over and over...
(talking about my Grandmother) hope you die seriously the same way she did, no one would care and we would all be happy, you need to fucking stop, and go awya.
God, i should make a movie! scooby fucks rayvens grandma... lets go back in time and fuck her I bet i would make her more happy than her little self procllaimed bitch could, who is a low life and uses her as a fucking shield which is sickening
Grandma is calling you now, go be with her lol, i am really sure she was well respected NOT! after seeing a granddaughter who is nothing but a compelte lying bitch
Yes, Emma, Aurora, Quinn you all must be very proud to have someone like this as your friend.
For the record, what he said didn't effect me like he thought it would. My Grandmother, is the best women I know and will always be #1 in my heart. This asshole couldn't say anything to change that. I know she is in a much better place. Hell, any place without Scooby is much better. I am just posting this to show the lengths this asshole will go and how classless he is.
I mean he is claiming I'm using my Grandmother as a shield. Let's get your facts straight asshole. I dedicated a NON-PORN video I made to her, because it reminded me of her. Musical artists, book writers do it all the time. You are the one who keeps bringing it up, not me. Stop being such a whiney little bitch and stand up to your cheap lame tatics.
Finally, he got really pissed off when I kept asking him over and over to produce these pictures he found on Yahoo and photobucket so he started throwing around the "N" word.
Scooby says "you ignorant nigger is it the final blow yet? .... lol"
"Just shut the fuck up you fuckign idiot, gee lol, I told you retarded nigger ass that I didn't boost the video nor did ruff, Aurora I am unsure about"
Facts are this - It's called Second life for a reason, but what if you don't have a first life?
- He has no job... was collecting a check for a fake disability
- He lives with his parents - no bills
- Is on second life all day every day
- Made two SL Porn machinima on Christmas day (enough said)
- Spent his 21st birthday on St. Pattys day crying about how many times I logged into NM.
I dedicate this song just to you Scooby!
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Is Scooby gay?
First off I posted this picture and asked Gay men if this queer was gay for a reason. Not only is he a lying piece of shit, but he is very classless.
Yesterday, not only did he rate my movie again a 1 then denied watching it, only to later to admit to watching it. Then deny it again.. but he once again made references to my deceased grandmother. Going as far a saying he was going to make a movie where he goes back in time and has sex with her.
Really, really pathetic this person is. Personally myself, i think he is mentally retarded. He admitted to being on disability and now the government took it away, because he wasn't disabled. So you think he would go get a job... nope sit home online on SL all day. Mommy takes care of him.
Sad.. this is why this country is in economic trouble right now.
So in a follow up to yesterday's survey I typed "Is scooby gay" in google and got a lot of interesting feedback.
Gay fitness and health forum
"I remember seeing Scooby (I don't remember his user name on here though) on here and he mentioned his workout tips. So I added him to my podcast. I just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying them. I realize that he recommends concentrating on your workouts on not thinking of anything else, but I like to listen to them when I'm on the cardio machines.
Thanks Scooby!"
So it seems he is giving work out tips to gay men. I heard his best tip is stock up on the KY.
There is this web site Someone asks "Is Scooby gay"?
Then I came across a gay sex video called the Scooby Do. (which I will save everyone the trouble of watching but its two gay men having sex.
Then there is this web site You can buy Gay scooby stuff cheap online
Then there is this footage George and Scooby walk along a gay beach
Here is a personal ad by a gay man named Scooby
There is a lot of Gay cartoon porn about Scooby Doo. Many people linking Scooby Doo cartoon to homosexuality. There is even a
Scooby doo book in the Gay and Lesbian section of Amazon
Bottom line is the name Scooby is associated with a lot of homosexual content. Look at the picture above.. it says it all. If the shoe fits wear it.
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Monday, April 4, 2011
Survery says..
I went to a few gay sims with this picture above giving them a link to view it. I asked five gay males if the person looked gay to them. Here is the results.
[22:04] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Hello[22:05] Eric whispers: sup
[22:05] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Hi Andrew
[22:06] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): I was wondering if you can do me a favor. I know this guy who I think is gay. He says he isn't can I show you his picture and ask for your opinion?
[22:06] Eric: sure
[22:08] Eric: uhhhhhh yeah
[22:08] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): So you think he is gay?
[22:08] Eric: looks gay to me
[22:08] Andrew: does he act gay?
[22:08] Andrew: i think thats a bigger tell than looks xD
[22:08] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Yes, very..
[22:09] Andrew: :O (: The)
[22:09] Andrew: gayy
[22:09] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Ok thanks guys :)
(I forgot to take a picture at the second sim but there were three gay men there)
[22:14] XXXiewer: Somehow I knew you'd say that :-)
[22:14] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Hello
[22:14] Jerrod: hey Ray
[22:14] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): How are you all doing
[22:14] XXXiewer: HI Megan
[22:14] Jerrod : Faaaagulous!
[22:14] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): LOL (LOL)
[22:14] XXiewer: :-)
[22:15] XXXiewer: So the OnDuty Penis says No Modify
[22:15] XXXiewer: yes
[22:15] XXXiewer: ok (ok)
[22:15] XXXiewer: LOL (LOL)
[22:15] XXXiewer: right
[22:15] XXXiewer: makes sense
[22:15] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): Can I get your opinion? I have a friend who I think is gay but he denies it can i show you his picture and you tell me what you think
[22:15] Jerrod : sure
[22:15] brett : sure
[22:15] XXXiewer: ok (ok)
[22:17] brett: ray i think he is
[22:17] XXXiewer: I'd say yes!
[22:18] Megan Fux (rayven.baily): OK thank you. I will be going you guys have fun. You all look great!
[22:18] XXXewer: :-) Thank you!
So 4 out of 5 gay men say this person above is gay and Jarrod didn't answer so he didn't say he looked straight. Nothing wrong with being gay all the men I met were really nice. It might be time to come out of the closet.
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Sunday, April 3, 2011
Bad Reputation
LOL - So Scooby made some voice video whining about me. The voice and what is on the screen dont even match what is on the screen . LOL - another great edit by Scooby. An this guy is trying to teach people how to make videos? LOL -
Lie #1 - Of course it's filled with a bunch of lies. So he says I sent him 50 messages on NM. What he fails to say is for everyone one I sent he sent 3.
Lie #2 - He rates my movie a 1 dropping it from 5 stars to 4. I then proceed to return the favor to his latest laggy piece of shit and write him telling if you keep rating my movies a 1 and I will return the favor. He claims it wasn't him and tells me to check his playlist. Yet, the dumbass that he is let's it slip he knows I have a clown mask on in the video and it's a slide show not video. Can someone be this dumb? Have you met Scooby?
Scooby claims he has been collecting a disability check since 1992.
Scooby says "I draw a SS Check, you know what that is? Although I went to the Social Security in feb, and they cut my check, but if you msut know you fucking stalker, I been drawing it since 1992"
I drawed a disability check if you really want to know, that isnt something i talk about, and no im not disabled that is why they took it away
Faking a disability to get money not owed to him so he can sit home on second life all day on his fat ass. How pathetic..
Lie #3 - Scooby claimed he found the pic in my RL section on yahoo and photobucket.
Yeah I am really fat when I have a rl pic on secondlife showing off my body, and have the same pic in 3 different angles lmao!!!!!!!!!! can you say 6pack? I know its hard for you to get things through your head because your slow lol~ look at my rl pic sometime hahha!!!! Hell, next time I will even make a little sign that says my name beside my body, sure I am really fat rayven lo............. everybody in the world is laughing at you now haha for calling me gay and fat. You are the one thats fat using a fake fucking picture i found on yahoo and photobucket lol!
Lie #4 - After throwing a tandrum and quitting the pornstars group he puts on his blog that Serenity Juneberry cheated not once, but twice and with my help on the online poll.
Lie #5 - Claims I stabbed Serenity Juneberry in the back by reporting her video to Blip.TV. When a month earlier I pointed out to her that her video was showing up in the Blip.tv search
Lie # 6 - Claims he does not boost the views on his videos, but has one that has 15,400+ views and claims the actress put it on some very popular web site. lol. Yea, if that was the case everyone on youtube, Naughty machinima, Blip.tv would be using it.
Unforgettable movie on NM 3,178 views on Naughty Bitch 3,124 views LOL Sure
Then I knew i really got under scooby skin when he started dropping the "N" word
Scooby says "you ignorant nigger is it the final blow yet? .... lol"
"Just shut the fuck up you fuckign idiot, gee lol, I told you retarded nigger ass that I didn't boost the video nor did ruff, Aurora I am unsure about"
It seemed like your fucking grandma did everything for you, lol but she got tired of you and died lol lord saved her from your stupidity,
i agree your grandma was fucking great, but you fuckign used her as a fucking shield on your blog to make people feel sorry for you, thats fucking pathetic as hell you dumbshit, I hope you die seriously the same way she did, no one would care and we would all be happy, you need to fucking stop, and go awya.
even your grandma, you dont matter to her, and I have to thank god everyday, that she is in peace from you, you evil little cunt lol God, i should make a movie! scooby fucks rayvens grandma... lets go back in time and fuck her I bet i would make her more happy than her little self procllaimed bitch could, who is a low life and uses her as a fucking shield which is sickening
Grandmas bitch is a low life, and uses her poor grandma as a sheild and target, gee you do live with your parents because you depend on your grandma, and using her, i bet you use your fucking mom and dad too huh?
Grandma is calling you now, go be with her lol, i am really sure she was well respected NOT! after seeing a granddaughter who is nothing but a compelte lying bitch
I must have fucked your grandma a little to rough, she is rolling over LMAO!
Yeah, I am really a Virgin Rayven you hypocrite, you are probably the virgin you fucking she male lol!!!!!!!! Yeah I am really fat when I have a rl pic on secondlife showing off my body, and have the same pic in 3 different angles lmao!!!!!!!!!! can you say 6pack? I know its hard for you to get things through your head because your slow lol~ look at my rl pic sometime hahha!!!! Hell, next time I will even make a little sign that says my name beside my body, sure I am really fat rayven lo............. everybody in the world is laughing at you now haha for calling me gay and fat. You are the one thats fat using a fake fucking picture i found on yahoo and photobucket lol!
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Friday, April 1, 2011
Music or Voice
Been doing some thinking...
Last week I bought a head set and mic and so far it hasn't paid off. Really I haven't used it.There are some people to claim adding voice is the way to go in SL Porn Machinima. An if you don't, well you have something to hide.. well.. only if you are not one of the people's asses they are trying to kiss.
I basically got into SL Porn Machinima because I saw Emmanuelle Jameson movies at Keyhole club. I thought she did a good job of picking music to go with the content of the video. I have always been a big fan of music and it was this combination that drew me to the community.
All my movies with the exception of Flight club, President rayven speaks and Gone Fishin' have been basically written around a song in mind. Gone Fishin' was actually was footage cut from Rayven and Serenity sexcellent adventure.
Justin Love - Justin Bieber
Dommaidatrix - Lifestyles of the rich and famous
Sinderella - Unpretty and Red light special - TLC
Dick in a box - Dick in a box SNL skit
Rayven and Serenity's sexcellent Adventure I - I'm on a boat
Rayven and Serenity's sexcellent Adventure II - Novemember Rain
Who Knew - Who Knew
Happy Hour - Blame it - Jamie Foxx
Seducing Santa - Santa Baby
School Daze - All day i dream about sex
Some SL Porn Machinima with voice is well done.. but I think overall on a whole it's still has room for improvement. You maybe LOVE videos with voice.. well I like videos where the director takes times and effort into what they shoot and show in their films.
which means trying to adjust the avatars on the pose balls. Smooth animations and video. No penis through women's head, stomachs and backs. Hair not piercing through body parts like a Ninja's sword (yes it happens, but can be limited)
I will take a Professional edited video with music that adds to the movie experience over a bad edited - average voice over, laggy film any day.
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